Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Eight days away.

ugh. I JUST started this thing, and I can't even keep up with it. Not that anyone is reading anyway, but hell. It's the 16th, and the last I wrote, the ONLY time I wrote was eight days ago. Hey. Eight is my lucky number. Maybe this is a good thing? Anyway. We've been spending the days sick here in the household, so everyone is good and miserable. The old man works outside roofing, and he'll probably never get better, and the chuds and I are just getting over it. Well, Chloe and I. Ness is just now getting it. I thought for sure I'd get lucky and he wouldn't get sick, but wow. I was sadly mistaken. The poor little booger is passed out in his crib right now for that much needed nap he's been waiting for and refusing to take all day.

I need moustache pictures. Yeah. Moustache pictures.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Chuds. MY chuds.

Yes. Hi. I'm Sandy. This is my blog. I've been a blogger on myspace for a long time now, but nows a days, I'd like to start blogging a little more publicly.

For some reason, this seems alot easier there than it does here. I think I'm having writers block. Damn. Normally, it just comes to me. All this junk in my head. So, I guess I'll just tell you a bit about myself. I'm a woman, but I don't like to be called a woman, because it makes me feel old, and I'm 27, which is not old, but it's old to me. Make sense? Sure doesn't. Never does. I still feel like a girl, and as they say, you're only as old as you feel. So I must be 8. I have two awesome as hell kids, my chuds, mind you. My girl is 2, and my boy is five months. (Right now. If you're reading this blog five months from now, then he's ten months, and if you're reading it last week, then you've discovered time travel, you sneaky monkey.) I live in a small town, which is quite different from the life I've lived growing up. I grew up in Akron, Ohio, and that's pretty much all I have to say about that. Let's forget about that time. I was skinny, and had lots of admirers. sigh. Now I'm a woman with kids, and..... I'm not skinny. Anymore.

Hey! I'm working on it.

So. I'm thinking.... this is me. My awesome moustache is made from my boyfriend's old dreadlock. Sounds gross, right? Let me tell you something about this guy. He is of filipino/spanish decent, and has the most maddening thick curly black hair I've ever seen.

He grew it out, because I kinda dig the long haired look, and when he would wash his hair, it was such a pain in the ass to comb out, that he just let it go as it was. As a result, his hair would slowly tangle itself into dreads. Neat-o. He had the freshest, cleanest smelling dreadlocks in all the world. Like flowers. ANYWAY. We saved one after we cut them all off. He decided to leave the roofing business and get an actual job. And so much for THAT, because two years later, he's back to roofing. Anyway. I've decided, as a hobby, I'd like to collect photos of people with moustaches. NOT real ones, mind you, but really awesome fakey ones. I want pictures of old ladies, little kids, your dog, your iguana!! Which reminds me, I should start with my OWN family. Keep an eye out for some awesome moustachioed pictures soon.

But really. Here's me and my chuds, Ness, and Chloe. Ness. Sounds familiar? Maybe if you're a Super Nintendo fan. He's named after the main character of the game Earthbound. Chloe's named Chloe because... I liked the name Chloe. Easy enough. Let me include a picture of my boyfriend/babby daddy. His name is Chuck. Real exotic for an exotic looking guy, right? Not exactly the most flattering picture, but it was my birthday, and we were both a little... drunk.I won't lie.

I look hella cute though. word.
Yup. So... I don't know what else to say. Hopefully, I can get this sucker up and running, get some good stuff, or at least some bearable stuff to read, and... yeah. Check ya on the flip side, taters.